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时间:2014-2-24 14:24:12 点击次数:7286


President of Li Jin
    The art portfolio of Professor Yueliang Xi has received wide acclaim from academics since it got published. We at Sanda University are very proud of this achievement not only because this achievement is a result of Shanghai Teachers Art Studio, a project sponsored by the subsidy fund of the Shanghai Municipal Government but also because his work has been selected as the first art work collection by Selected Works of Art & Design. Meanwhile, Professor Xi is the head of humanities department at our school, a national level artist, an award winning teacher, and a leader in our school’s fine arts subject. His reputation is equally as important as that of our school.
    This art collection showcases the result of the effort Professor Xi put into creative art design and teaching for all these years. His 130 pieces of work represent the content and the level of work in this portfolio. They are also a representation of Shanghai as a model city in the fine arts field in the nation. His outstanding achievement in watercolor paintings, especially his portrait works, has made him an icon among Chinese teenagers. Even till today, he has been dedicated to teaching, preaching and creating in the field of fine arts.
    Wish him all the best in his endeavor to produce more valuable works and benefit our society.

President of Sanda University
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