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新邵:国防润童心 共筑强军梦(490次)
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点击次数:58943次 添加时间:2008-11-11 16:33:12 来源:中国美术协会网




    刘扬   男

1955年生 辽宁籍

★ 中国美术家协会河南分会会员、河南省油画学会会员、河南省画院特约画家
★ 油画《农家女》入选2004年河南省第十届油画展铜奖
★ 油画《大昭寺》入选2003年河南省油画学会展
★ 油画《诺亚方舟》入选2003年“第三届中国油画展”,并入围世纪在线网站优秀作品100幅评选第85名
★ 油画《秋末》入选“2001中国油画大展”并选送赴日本、新加坡等国家展览
★ 油画《临摹》入选“第二届中国油画展”并发表于《中国油画》94年第二期
★ 油画《西域古城》获“九九河南油画精品展”一等奖,《年年有余》同时获优秀奖
★ 油画《生命在于运动》入选“第七届全国体育美展”获优秀作品奖
★ 油画《白云·窑洞》、《三个女人》入选“河南省油画进京展”获精品奖
★ 油画《村嫂》入选“河南省第七届美展”获二等奖
★ 油画《农家小院》入选“84年全国职工美展”、并获省总工会创作一等奖、郑州市优秀作品奖
★ 油画《雪色黄昏》等作品参加2000年“河南画友沙龙展第一回”
★ 油画《独立寒秋》等作品参加2001年“河南画友沙龙展第二回”
★ 油画《梦醒时分》等作品参加2003年“河南画友沙龙展第三回”
★ 油画《正午》等作品参加2004年“河南画友沙龙展第四回”
★ 油画《向日葵》等作品参加2005年“河南画友沙龙展第五回”
★ 油画《相依》等作品入选2006年“河南画友沙龙展第六回”
★ 1993年应邀赴荷兰王国举办个人油画展,部分作品被当地画廊及私人收藏

★ 2007年河南省美术出版社出版《中国当代油画》河南卷.《油画家刘扬》画册一本。

★ 个人工作室电话:0371-13643860129   E-mail:ffp0001@126.com   OICQ:13994717

A Brief Introduction of Liu Yang

Liu Yang, male,Graduated from Guangzhou Art college in 1984.
★ A member of the Chinece Artists’Association Henan Branch.A member of the Henan Oil Painting Association.
★ The oil painting 《Noah ark》was elected into“The Third China Oil painting Exhibition”
★ The oil painting 《Autumn》was elected into“The 2001 China Oil painting Exhibition”
★ The oil painting 《Copying》was elected into“The Second China Oil painting Exhibition”,published on the 《China Oil Painting 》1994, second phase.
★ The oil painting《A Countryside Yard》was elected into “The National Workers’Arts exhibition”.and was rewarded the first prize for his creativity by the Henan General Labout Union,and was elected the excellent works in Zhengzhou.
★ The oil painting《The Light in Deep Night》was elected into “The Art and Drawing Exhibition of the National Health system”,and was rewarded a masterpiece prize.
★ The oil painting 《Life Lies in Exercises》was elected into“The Seventh National Sports Art Exhibition”,and was given a prize as excellent works.
★ The oil painting 《The White Clouds·The Cave Dwelling》,《Three Women》was shown “In Beijing elected by Henan Oil Painting Association”,and was rewarded a masterpiece prize.
★ The oil painting《A Contryside Woman》was elected into “The Sventh Henan Art Exhibition”,and got a second prize.
★ In 1993,he went to Holland on the invitation to hold his own oil painting exhibition.The paintings 《The Dong girl》,《Lion》etc,shocked the local people greatly, and all the words were collcted by the local Art Gallery,Government organizations and some people.
★ The oil painting《The old City in Westerm Realm》was rewarded“The first prize on the Exhibition of 99’Henan Oil Painting Masterpieces”,at the same ,《Rich Every Year》got an excellent works prize.
★ The oil painting《The wilderness》,《A Small Paplar》and other works were elected into the exhibition and got prizes many times in Henan Province and Zhengzhou,and were published on some paper

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